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2.1 Arrival and departure
The arrival time for accommodation is between 16:00 and the closing time of reception. Do you expect to arrive after closing time? Please inform the reception staff of this in good time. You can find the current opening times on our website or in our app. On departure, the accommodation must be left clean by 10:00. For each additional hour after 10:00 am, €50.00 will be charged. If the accommodation is not left clean, an additional bill of up to €250.00 will follow.

2.2 Leaving the accommodation clean
When leaving the accommodation clean, we expect that:
  • Beds are removed.
  • Rubbish is thrown away.
  • The dishwasher is emptied.
  • The accommodation is left broom clean.
  • The inventory is returned as you found it.
In addition, please turn down the thermostat.

2.3 Luxury check-out
When using the luxury check-out, we take care of the final cleaning. However, you will need to:
  • Clear and turn on the dishwasher,
  • Collect all waste in one bag,
  • Return the inventory as you found it.
2.4 Payment of reservation
If the payment of your reservation has not yet been made in full, you should arrive within the opening hours of the reception. Arrival outside these times is then unfortunately not possible.

2.5 Use of furnishings
Each accommodation has its own personal furnishings. It is not allowed to take (garden) furniture belonging to the accommodation outside or to other accommodations.

2.6 Management and care
You should manage the accommodation neatly and use furniture and inventory with care. Any defects should be reported to reception immediately. Any damage or destruction to inventory and furniture will be charged to the user.

2.7 Gourmets
Gourmets are not allowed in the accommodation facilities.

2.8 Age limit
Within the travel party, at least one guest must be 21 years of age or older.

2.9 Group bookings
Group bookings of more than 4 accommodations must always be approved by park management. Without approval, the park reserves the right to refuse entry and cancel reservations