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Removal from the premises/denial of access

18.1 Guests' obligations
All guests are obliged to strictly observe the regulations and rules as included in the general terms and conditions, the RECRON terms and conditions and the Park Regulations. In addition, guests must follow all instructions of the entrepreneur's staff and/or any security service present in whatever form or connection. This also applies to the rules regarding the use of the facilities.

18.2 Consequences of violation
Violation of these conditions and rules, as well as failure to follow instructions from the staff, may result in removal from the park and denial of access, without entitlement to a full or partial refund of the (rental) amounts paid or still to be paid. This is without prejudice to the park management's right to claim compensation for damage caused by the violation.

18.3 Warning and immediate removal
In most cases, a warning will be issued first. In urgent cases, at the discretion of the park management, this may be deviated from and immediate removal may take place, denying access to the park. The park management also reserves the right to charge an extra deposit in the event of a (first) warning.